Friday, October 8, 2010


Tomato is actually a fruit not a vegetable. it has a different variety and shape.When it is ripe it turns red. It has also a soft skin,some are round while others are oblong.
According to hubpage
Health Benefits of Tomato are :

1. A large consumption of tomato can help improve skin texture and color.
2. Tomato is a good blood purifier.
3. Tomato helps in cases of congestion of the liver (protects the liver from cirrhosis) as well as for dissolving gallstones.
4. Tomato is a natural antiseptic therefore it can help protect against infectionNicotinic acid in tomatoes can help to reduce blood cholesterol, thus helps prevent heart diseases.
5. Vitamin K in tomatoes helps to prevent hemorrhages.
6. Tomato contain lycopene (the red pigment in tomato), this pigment is a powerful antioxidant that can also fight cancer cells.

This fruit has a lot of benefits and it's use in many variety of dishes. It makes your viand more delicious and nutricious.


This plant is like a carrots but it has a white color. It grows in a soft soil and is used in making a vegetable salad.
A radish is the root of a plant related closely to mustard, another surprisingly healthful plant. It’s generally used as a garnish or salad ingredient because of its mild-to-peppery flavor and unique red-and-white coloration, but it’s much more than just a garnish.

Radishes and their greens
provide an excellent source of
vitamin C. Radish leaves contain
almost six times the vitamin C
content of their root and are also
a good source of calcium. Red
Globes also offer a very good
source of the trace mineral
molybdenum and are a good
source of potassium and folic
acid. Daikons provide a very
good source of potassium and

Thursday, October 7, 2010


This vegetable has a patola shape but has a watermelon color and texture. It is a vine plant.

The cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting frames, wrapping around ribbing with thin, spiraling tendrils. The plant has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit.

* The potassium content of cucumber makes it highly useful for conditions of high and low blood pressure.
* Cucumber contains erepsin, the enzyme that helps to digest protein.
* The high silicon and sulphur content of the cucumber is said to promote the growth of hair, especially when the juice of the cucumber is added to the juice of carrot, lettuce and spinach.
* A mixture of cucumber juice with carrot juice is said to be beneficial for rheumatic conditions resulting from excessive uric acid in the body.
* Cucumber juice is also valuable for helping diseases of the teeth, gums, especially in cases of pyorrhea.
* The high mineral content of this vegetable also helps to prevent splitting of nails of the fingers and toes.
* Cucumber, radish and bitter gourd are beneficial in diabetes.


Cassava has many uses. It's root crops are used to make kakanin. It is rich in carbohydrates and it's leaves is rich in vitamins ad minerals.

According to Wikipedia..

Cassava (Manihot esculenta), also called yuca or manioc, is a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to South America. Cassava is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Nigeria is the world's largest producer of cassava.

Cassava is the third-largest source of carbohydrates for meals in the world.Cassava is classified as sweet or bitter depending on the level of toxic cyanogenic glucosides; improper preparation of bitter cassava causes a disease called konzo. Nevertheless, farmers often prefer the bitter varieties because they deter pests, animals, and thieves.

Cassava tubers contain calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate,
calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B and C, and starch. While leaf
cassava in addition to containing vitamins A, B1 and C, also contain calcium,
calories, phosphorus, protein, fat, carbohydrate and iron. While skin
stem contains tannins, enzyme peroxidase, glikosa, and calcium

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ALUGBATI_malabar nightshade

Alugbati –in English ‘’Malabar Spinach” or vine spinach. Leaves resemble spinach and taste similar to spinach, when cooked slimy and sticky just like okra, leaves, shoots and stem are eaten and used in soup and stews. Alugbati, contain iron, calcium and antioxidants, vitamin A, B and C. Medical research reveals: mixture of alugbati leaf pulp and a bit of butter, can give a cooling effect in redness of skin when burn or scald during cooking.


Okra –known as the ‘’lady’s fingers’’ called ‘’gumbo’’ in U.S. and called ‘’kingombo’’ in Spanish and Dutch, in French called ‘’gombo or bamya’’ Okra, grows well throughout the year in warm tropical climate, even during harsh weather conditions, a drought-heat tolerant vegetable amongst all vegetables. Okra, at their best and must be harvested while young within days to about a week, longer than a week okra taste fibrous, chewy and woody. Okra, contain vitamin A, B, C, iron, fiber and calcium. Flavor and taste of okra is similar between asparagus and eggplant. In Philippines okra is available in supermarkets fresh produce section and at your local market near you. And for all of us living abroad, okra is available in supermarkets, health food stores and markets. Okra can be boiled, used in stews, soup, stir-fried with other vegetables. Asian cuisines used okra for consistency, to thicken stews and soups.


Talong – Eggplant in English, Aubergine in France (tawong in Cebuano) Eggplant, a smooth-shiny-glossy vegetable (known as nightshades) related to the family vegetable of potato, sweet pepper and tomato. It comes in variety of sizes, shape, and color deep-purple-reddish, green, white and even orange. Eggplant is available throughout the year and varieties slightly differ in taste and texture, they hang from the vines just like tomato. Eggplant--provide fiber, antioxidants, potassium, manganese, vitamin B1, B3 and magnesium. Eggplant is widely used in Asian and Western cuisines. Commonly used in Philippines in vegetable soup (sinigang) stir-fried, pickled (kinilaw) or stuffed eggplant with tomato and cheese. To name a few eggplant dish: Italy’s ‘’melanzane alla parmigiana’’ French “ratatouille’’ Greek ‘’melitzanosalata’’ and variety of eggplant lasagna recipes, stuffed eggplant with your desired ingredients. How about eggplant stuffed with tomato and parmesan cheese?


Kalabasa – Squash or Pumpkin in English (kalabasa puti and pula in Tagalog, kalbasang puti and puwa in Cebuano) in other words ‘’the red and white squash or pumpkins’’ are in the same family of watermelons and cucumber. Squash is an excellent source of beta-carotene which is vitamin A and high source of vitamin C, B, calcium and iron. According to medical studies, squash flowers contain ‘’lutein’’ that prevents cataract. There are a variety of ways to enjoy a squash dish. Nowadays, squash is not only used for cooking but served in pies and soup in cafes, restaurants etc. Abundant and grown in the Philippines all-throughout the year, thrives well in tropical climate. The increasing demand, makes farmers produce squash in Philippines for commercial sale. Great for cooking like ‘’ginisang kalabasa’’ (stir-fried squash with various vegetables) with lean pork cut into cubes. The delicious mashed-potato-squash dish. From autumn till winter houses in Holland, household create a basket full of squash/pumpkins in various sizes, shapes, colors as a display in kitchen counter tops, terrace, lounge table tops, corner table tops, terrace and banister in the front door entrance of the house

SITAW_String bean

sitaw –Batong in Cebuano, in English, commonly called ‘’String Bean’’ or ‘’Haricots’’ and some people call it ‘’Snap Beans’’. String beans (due to the fact, the fibrous string run all the way down to the green pods seam) Snap Beans (the sound that comes off it, when you ‘’snap’’ the beans in desired sizes for home-cooked meals) Green beans varies in range of sizes ( falls in the same family category of the red kidney beans and black beans ) Yes. The sassy-jazzy- sexy ‘’string beans’’, high source of vitamin A, C, K, iron, fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, protein, thiamin, niacin and omega 3. If you are lacking in iron, add beans in your food consumption, also great for menstruating women, pregnant or lactating women. It is advisable to cook beans with care (lose some of its nutrients when over-cooked) as stir-fry, vegetable soup (sinigang in Tagalog, sinangag in Cebuano) Simmering or steaming beans till tender-crisp, makes them taste good. Beans are available in supermarkets and at your local market near you all-year-round, in Philippines. Choose good quality beans without the blemishes.


Repolyo –Cabbage in English. Cabbage, a substantial source of vitamin A, calcium, antioxidants and fiber, reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens nervous system, excellent source of beta-carotene, therefore good for your vision, heals ulcers, reduces heart disease, rheumatism and skin problems. Cabbage, a rich source of vitamin A, B6, B12, C, E, K, thiamin, niacin and folic acid. Cabbage, also a high source in minerals with the likes of iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, selenium and zinc, keeps you in upbeat spirit because cabbage provides energy. Cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are of the same vegetable family. Grown for decades, the rapid rise of consumption is staggering. Prioritize, have cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, cucumber and tomatoes as salad served for serving trays on parties with dips. Especially the fresh famous coleslaw, I love it. Health conscious consumers realize the high nutritional value of these vegetables.



Kangkong – in Tagalog, water spinach or glorybind in English, Tangkong in Cebuano (kankon in Japanese, ong choy in China, ung choi in Cantonese Chinese, toongsin tsoi in Mandarin Chinese) Commonly used vegetable in Filipino dishes (generally in Asia) Kangkong, high source in iron, calcium, vitamin B and C. Mild in flavor, all parts of young kangkong are preferred, edible from the shoot (stem) to the leaves. Great for stir fry meat, soup stews (sinigang kangkong) Strip all the leaves off the stem, slice the stem they go in first for a period of 2 to 3 minutes before adding the leaves. Kangkong also used for salad. Blanch or boil kangkong for 5 minutes….drain add vinegar, calamansi, dash of salt & pepper, onion and tomato.


PATANI_Lima Bean

Sometimes called "butter beans" because of their starchy yet buttery texture, lima beans have a delicate flavor that complements a wide variety of dishes. Although fresh lima beans are often difficult to find, they are worth looking for in the summer and fall when they are in season. Dried and canned lima beans are available throughout the year. The pod of the lima bean is flat, oblong and slightly curved, averaging about three inches in length. Within the pod are the two to four flat kidney-shaped seeds that we call lima beans. The seeds are generally cream or green in color, although certain varieties feature colors such as white, red, purple, brown or black. HEALTH BENEFITS: Lima beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, as are most other legumes. In addition to lowering cholesterol, lima beans' high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. When combined with whole grains such as rice, lima beans provide virtually fat-free high quality protein. You may already be familiar with beans' fiber and protein, but this is far from all lima beans have to offer. SOURCE:

MALUNGGAY_Horseradish tree leaves

Scientific name: Moringa oelifera Malunggay leaves was once considered a "poor man's vegetables" but now it is known as a "miracle tree" or "nature's medicine cabinet" by scientists and health care workers from around the world because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be an effective remedy against many kinds of ailments. All parts of the malunggay tree are usable for nutritional and medicinal purposes - from the roots, trunk, and branches to the leaves, flowers, and seeds. The small, oval, dark-green leaves are famous vegetable ingredient in soup, fish and chicken dishes. The leaves can actually be eaten raw, but best added in meals due to its high concentration of nutrients. The roots is used to make tea, while the trunk, after it's scraped and squeezed for its juice is used to clean wounds. HEALTH BENEFITS: * Malunggay leaves helps strengthens the immune system. * Malunggay can help restores skin condition, controls blood pressure, relieves headaches and migraines. * Malunggay tea can help strengthen the eye muscles. * Malunggay tea can help heal inflammation of the joints and tendons. * Malunggay tea can prevent intestinal worms. * Malunggay can help increase semen count. * Malunggay help normalize blood sugar level therefore preventing diabetes. * Malunggay has anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals) that help stop the growth of cancer cells. * Malunggay helps relax and promotes good night sleep. * Malunggay tea is used to treat fever and asthma. * Malunggay help heals ulcers. * Malunggay is high in calcium (four times the calcium in milk), therefore lactating mothers are advised to consume malunggay leaves to produce more milk for their babies. The young malunggay leaves are also boiled and taken as tea. * Malunggay contains three times the potassium in bananas. * Malunggay contain four times the vitamin A in carrots. * An ounce of malunggay has the same Vitamin C content as seven oranges. * Malunggay leaves contain two times the protein in milk. * Malunggay seed is used to clean dirty or polluted water. SOURCE:

ALUGBATI_malabar nightshade

This thorny weed is called slender/spineless amaranth leaves in english.
according to

This weed has a lot of Medicinal Uses. Listing courtesy of BPI.

1. Decoction of the root is useful in the treatment of gonorrhoea. A common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra.
2. Bruised leaves are used locally for eczema. Generic term for inflammatory conditions of the skin; particularly with vesiculation in the acute stages.
3. Plant is used as a sudorific and febrifuge and is recommended in eruptive fevers.
4. Used as an antidote for snake-poison and as a lactagogue (enhance production of mother’s breastmilk).
5. The plant is used as an expectorant and to relieve breathing in acute bronchitis.
6. The root is known elsewhere as an effective diuretic. It is also useful in treatment of menorrhagia, an abnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation; can be a symptom of uterine tumors and can lead to anemia if prolonged.


Taro is a tropical plant that is used by people as a leaf and root vegetable. Taro is extremely healthy and good for us to eat. People usually don’t eat Taro Raw, because it is Toxic and at the same time it has little Raphides. Raphides are small needle-shaped crystals made of calcium carbonate or calcium oxalate. Our Creator made them as a self defense for the plant against different kinds of plant predators. Because of those Raphides people must cook Taro Vegetable in some kind of a way. People enjoy Taro from all around the world: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Cyprus, Jamaica, Japan, Lebanon, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Polynesia, India, South Korea, Spain, Suriname, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam, West Africa, West Indies, and even in United States. People make different kinds of dishes out of Taro like with different meats, with fish, instead of potatoes, as flavoring in ice cream and pies, cooked in tomato sauce, and cooked in soups. Also, some cultures use Taro as a medicine, especially for insect bites.

The Possible Health Benefits of Taro Leaves are:
- Improves Eyesight
- Supports Good Vision
- Fights Viral Infections
- Protects from Viral Infections
- Reduces Chances of Night Blindness
- Moisturizes Skin
- Moisturizes Eyes
- Moisturizes Mucous
- Antioxidant Support
- Protects from Free Radicals
- Protects Cells from Oxygen Damage
- Reduces Sensitivity to Light
- Improves Skin around eyes
- Reduces Oral Sores and Cracks
- Reduces Skin peeling around nose
- Supports Good Vision
- Supports Healthy Skin
- Supports Cells Production
- Supports strong bones
- Supports healthy bones
- Normalizes blood sugar levels
- Supports healthy thyroid gland
- Improves Nerve health
- Protects from free radicals
- Helps protect from nausea
- Reduces vomiting
- Reduces skin rashes
- Maintains Hair color
- Normalizes Cholesterol levels
- Helps prevent dizziness
- Helps prevent hearing loss
- Supports healthy reproduction
- Improves nerve function
- Improves muscle function



Sweet Potato or Yam is a tuberous crop with scientific name Ipomoea Batatas. Its plant is a creeper with heart shaped or lobed leaves. The tubers color vary from purple or red to pale yellow or white, depending upon the variety, soil type, climate and minerals.

The red variety has drier and harder flesh while the white or the yellow type has more juicy flesh. The red variety has a characteristic aroma which becomes more prominent on boiling. The more reddish or orange the color of the flesh of the sweet potatoes, the stronger is this aroma. Perhaps this is due presence of beta carotene whose concentration also increases with the color.

* Immunity: Being very rich in beta carotene, which is a major anti oxidant, apart from vitamin-C and B-complex, iron and phosphorus present in them, sweet potatoes are excellent immunity boosters.
* Inflammation: Like the common potato, sweet potato also has anti inflammatory properties, although it does not belong to the family of common potato. This is primarily due to presence of beta-carotene, vitamin-C and magnesium. It is equally effective in curing internal and external inflammations.
* Asthma: The sweet potato is effective in curing congestion of nose, bronchi and lungs, thereby giving relief in asthma. Its typical aroma helps in this.
* Bronchitis: The concentration of vitamin-C, iron and other nutrients help curing bronchitis. The sweet potatoes are believed to be capable of warming up the body (may be due to the sweetness and other nutrients). This property also is beneficial in bronchitis, apart from its property to ease congestion.
* Arthritis: Beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc and vitamin-B complex, among others, make sweet potato a helping hand to cure arthritis. The water in which the sweet potatoes are boiled can be applied externally on joints too to ease pain in arthritis.
* Digestion: The fiber content of sweet potatoes is higher than that of common potatoes and it tastes good too. When these two factors are combined with other minerals like magnesium present in sweet potatoes, it makes an excellent facilitator for digestion. Sweet potatoes are easy to digest too, since they mainly contain starch. They are soothing for the stomach and intestines too.
* Cancer: Beta-carotene, the champion anti oxidant and anti carcinogen, the pigments responsible for the color of the peel of the sweet potatoes and vitamin-C, are very beneficial for curing many types of cancer, mainly those of colon, intestines, prostrate, kidneys and other internal organs.
* Water Balance: The fiber or roughage present in sweet potatoes helps retain water. This maintains water balance in the body.
* Stomach Ulcers: Sweet potato has a soothing effect on the stomach and intestines. The vitamins (B-complex and C), beta carotene, potassium and calcium are very effective in curing stomach ulcers. Moreover, the roughage in sweet potatoes prevents constipation and resultant acid formation, thereby reducing the chance of ulcers. The anti inflammatory and soothing properties of sweet potatoes also reduce the pain and inflammation of the ulcers.
* Diabetes: Contrary to the popular belief, the sweet potatoes are beneficial for diabetics. Amazingly, they are very effective in regulating blood sugar lever by helping proper secretion and function of insulin. Of course, that does not mean that diabetics should eat them indiscriminately. The idea is that they can replace their rice or carbohydrate intake with sweet potatoes.
* Weight Gain: This is easily understood. The sweet potatoes are sweet as well as contain very good amount of complex starch, apart from healthy vitamins, minerals and some proteins too. Moreover, they are very easy to digest. Thus they provide a lot of energy and are excellent bulk builders. Those suffering from inferiority complex due to their bones visibly sticking out of their skin, will welcome this news, without having any risk any side effect, which most of the synthetic bulk building dietary supplements run.
* Other Benefits: They are effective in quitting addictions like smoking, drinking and taking certain narcotics. They are good for the health of arteries and veins, as they protect their walls against hardening. The high concentration of beta carotene (an alternative of vitamin-A) and phosphorus are excellent for ocular and cardiac health.


AMPALAYA_Bitter melon

according to!..

Ampalaya is a vegetable grown throughout the Philippines. It is mostly cultivated, although wild forms can be found. It grows wild in the remote areas of Mt. Banahaw. As the English name suggests (bitter melon), the melon has a bitter taste due to the presence of momordicin. There has been much research done on the effectiveness of using Momordica Charantia in the treatment of diabetes. It has been shown to increase production of beta cells by the pancreas, thereby improving the body’s ability to produce insulin. It has been recommended by the Department of Health of the Philippines, as one of the best herbal medicines for it's ability to help with liver problems, Diabetes and HIV. It is a common herb used in Chinese herbology. In the Philippines, the leaves are often used for children's coughs. It is also used in the treatment of skin diseases, sterility in women, as a parasiticide, as an antipyretic, and as a purgative.