Friday, October 8, 2010


This plant is like a carrots but it has a white color. It grows in a soft soil and is used in making a vegetable salad.
A radish is the root of a plant related closely to mustard, another surprisingly healthful plant. It’s generally used as a garnish or salad ingredient because of its mild-to-peppery flavor and unique red-and-white coloration, but it’s much more than just a garnish.

Radishes and their greens
provide an excellent source of
vitamin C. Radish leaves contain
almost six times the vitamin C
content of their root and are also
a good source of calcium. Red
Globes also offer a very good
source of the trace mineral
molybdenum and are a good
source of potassium and folic
acid. Daikons provide a very
good source of potassium and

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